We Fix Macs! Apple-Authorized Macintosh service, in- or out-of-warranty, also onsite support.
We Fix Macs! Lapin repairs and supports Apple Macintosh computers of all vintages. We are an Apple Premium Service Provider (Apple's highest rating) and are authorized to perform in-warranty (AppleCare) and out-of-warranty repairs. We go onsite throughout the greater Chicago area to provide Mac and networking support to businesses, schools and home users.
Keywords: Apple, Mac, Macintosh, iPad, Apple Service, Mac Service, Macintosh Service, iPad Service, Apple Repair, Mac Repair, Macintosh Repair, iPad Repair, Apple Support, Mac Support, Macintosh Support, AppleCare, Mac Warranty Repair, Macintosh Warranty Repair, Evanston Mac Repair, Evanston Mac Service, Evanston Macintosh Repair, Evanston Macintosh Service, Evanston Mac Support, Evanston Macintosh Support, Evanston iPad Repair, Evanston iPad Service, Evanston iPad Support